Moldova’s public expenditures oneducation as a share of GDP and total public sector spendingare higher than in most countries in the European Union (EU)and the Organization for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (OECD). Moldova’s challenges to improve thequality and efficiency of education provision need to beaddressed in a context of declining student numbers, andpersistent inequities between population groups. This reportidentifies key challenges to the adequate delivery ofpre-school and general education related to thedecentralized governance mechanism. They relate both to the(de jure) regulatory framework that spells out the mandatesof national and local level administrations and schoolmanagement, and to (de facto) weaknesses in theimplementation of these mandates. These challenges aresummarized. The remainder of this section further describesthe key challenges, and recommends policy directions andareas for further analysis to support evidence-baseddecision-making in the future. These recommendations arealso summarized at the end of this chapter.