This Country Partnership Framework (CPF)sets out the strategy for how the World Bank Group willsupport Benin in achieving higher rates of economic andsocial well-being over the period FY19-FY23. The Republic ofBenin is a small country with a large potential forimproving the well-being of its people. With a population ofroughly 10.9 million people, Benin is renowned for thestability of its democratic system of government (since1990). It is endowed with relatively fertile agriculturalland, a long border shared with the region’s economic giant,Nigeria, and a strategic location as a hub connectingcoastal and landlocked countries to the north. Despite theseadvantages, Benin’s development indicators are among theworld’s lowest: the absolute number of people living inpoverty has increased in recent years and conditions areparticularly bad for women, people living in lagging regionsin the north of the country, and young job-seekers. Thecountry is also highly exposed to the environmental andsocial consequences of climate change, affecting agricultureproductivity, health, food security, economic development,physical infrastructure, and water resources. The Governmentof Benin (GoB) proposes to improve its state of developmentthrough its Government Action Program 2016-2021 (Programmed’Actions du Gouvernement [PAG]). Adopted at the outset ofthe recently elected (2016) government of President PatriceTalon, the PAG starts with the premise that given Benin’slong history of democratic stability, its natural resourceendowment, and its strategic location within West Africa, itcan achieve much higher rates of economic and socialwell-being through a three-pronged approach: (a)consolidation of democracy, the rule of law, and goodgovernance; (b) structural transformation of the economy;and (c) improvement of social wellbeing. The PAG is premisedon the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (embodyingits related goals (SDGs) as well as the Paris climate agreement.