Environment and Renewable Natural Resources in Angola : Opportunities to Diversify the National Economy, Generate Income for Local Communities, Enhance Environmental Management Capacity and Build Resilience to Climate Change
This report presents the economicpotential of renewable natural resources (forests, wildlifeand fisheries), and identifies opportunities for enhancingthe sectors’ contribution to both the national and localeconomies in Angola (Section two). Given the strong focus ofthe ongoing CPF on economic diversification, the reportfocuses on these selected sectors whose sustainable useoffers opportunities for diversifying the economy, creatingjobs and improving local livelihoods. In light of theimplementation of the World Bank’s new Environmental andSocial Framework (ESF), the report assesses the currentnational legislation and policy framework for assessing andmitigating potential environmental and social risks andimpacts caused by investment projects and proposesopportunities which can support in strengthening thenational capacity in order to facilitate project design andimplementation following the World Bank’s due diligence(Section three). The report then assesses the current policyand institutional framework for addressing climate change inAngola and proposes opportunities to support these (Sectionfour). Finally, the report concludes by proposingopportunities for World Bank engagement in the sectorsselected (forests, wildlife and fisheries), as well as inenhancing environmental management capacity and buildingresilience to climate change.A World Bank mission wasorganized to Angola in October 2018, and collected datarelevant to the study and discussed with governmentofficials, development partners, CSOs, and other relevantstakeholders the status, priorities, and potentialopportunities for each of the sectors considered. Thisreport uses data and information collected during themission and shared by government institutions and otherstakeholders, as well as data and literature that arepublicly available. The report also uses informationcollected as part of the World Bank report on CentralAfrican Coastal Fisheries (which assessed the fisheriessector of countries within the Regional Commission ofFisheries of Gulf of Guinea [Commission Régionale des Pêchesdu Golfe de Guinée, COREP]—of which Angola is a part), andfor which a World Bank mission was organized in May 2018.