Morocco has made important progress ineconomic development and financial inclusion since the 2007Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Sustainedeconomic growth has contributed to reducing poverty andgreater sharing of economic prosperity. The financial sectorhas emerged as one of the most developed and inclusive inthe Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. Thistechnical note covers a large spectrum of financialinclusion topics in Morocco, mostly from the vantage pointof banks, microcredit associations and finance companies.However, limits to the FSAP budget prevented extending theanalysis to important policy initiatives or subjects,including low-income housing finance, rural finance,financing start-ups, promoting long-term saving,facilitating Small and Medium Enterprise (SME) listings, therole of the National Initiative for Human Development or taxincentives to formalize economic activity. The analysisrelies on benchmarking Morocco to the averages of (i) MiddleEast and North Africa (MENA) countries and (ii) its incomegroup as defined by the World Bank. In addition, Peru, SouthAfrica and Turkey were selected as emerging market peersbased on income level, financial depth and degree offinancial inclusion in specific areas: Peru (microfinance),South Africa (low-income household access), and Turkey (SME finance).