This assessment concludes thatindividual nation as well as regional and transnationalorganizations now have severely limited to nonexistentcapacities to effectively respond to growing threat levels.It proposes a networked intelligence-led strategy atnational, regional, and transnational levels to moreeffectively control, reduce, and, more importantly, preventthe wholesale slaughter into extinction of the Africanelephant population within the next decade. It concludes byoutlining the requirements for designing and implementing along-term sustainable elephant crime intelligence system,including the required governance arrangements, and proposesthe roles and functions that key organizations could play atthe national, regional, and transnational levels. Currently,a robust intelligence system addressing elephant poachingand illegal trade of ivory at all phases within theintelligence process is either nonexistent or seriouslylimited in capacity (the key phases in the intelligenceprocess are planning and direction; collection; evaluation;collation; analysis; reporting/dissemination/action).Therefore, the project examines the need for designing andimplementing a long-term sustainable elephant crimeintelligence system and governance model as well asassessing the roles and functions that key organizationscould play at the national, regional, and internationallevels within such an intelligence system and accompanyinggovernance model.