While the microfinance sector isextensively used in Mali (about 1 million members oftenbased in rural areas), the sector has experienced a majorcrisis for over six years. The clean-up of the microfinanceremains the most pressing priority for the Malianauthorities and the adoption of the emergency plan for themicrofinance sector is a key milestone to cleaning up thesector. While the plan addresses the main issues(restructuring or liquidation not viable MFIs; depositorsindemnization mechanism; consolidation of active MFIs;reform and strengthening of the national supervisory body),but the implementation remains very challenging in a contextof fiscal tightening and donor’s reluctance to intervene. Itis only the Government of Mali that can restore confidencein the sector, and only by undertaking the recommendationshighlighted in the emergency plan. One of the most sensitiveissues will be to manage the liquidation of a few importantdistressed institutions together with the indemnization oftheir depositors.