The Stabilization and Association Agreement between Bosnia and Herzegovina and the European Union : Impacts of the Adaptation Protocol on the Agriculture and Food Sector
The objective of this note is to provideinsights into the potential effect of the adaptationprotocol (AP) on imports of European Union (EU)agricultural, food and fisheries products into Bosnia andHerzegovina (BiH). We adapt and calibrate the Tariff ReformImpact Simulation Tool (TRIST), a partial equilibrium trademodel developed by the World Bank, to estimate the impact ofimports from the EU on consumption and local production ofagricultural and food products for which disaggregated datais available. The impact of a change in tariffs is modeledin a simple partial equilibrium trade model with imperfectsubstitution between imports from different trading partnersand domestic production. The team benefitted from thecooperation with the counterparts (MOFTER and Ministries)regarding data and inputs. This analysis has importantlimitations and the results should be considered asindicative estimates. This is a trade analysis that onlypartially reflects the overall impact and provides a veryshort term perspective on trade interactions. TRIST is astatic model that depends on the availability ofdisaggregated agricultural data on both imports and production.