The country partnership framework (CPF)for Azerbaijan covering the period FY2016-20, sets out theWorld Bank Group (WBG) support to the country on its pathtoward a sustainable, inclusive, and private sector-ledgrowth underpinned by a diversified asset base. Thecountry’s strategic goals are laid out in its developmentstrategy - Azerbaijan 2020: vision for the future and otherstrategic documents that aim at reducing Azerbaijan’sdependence on oil and gas revenues and strengthening itsresilience to external shocks through investments intodiversified human capital, physical infrastructure, andstronger institutions. The CPF builds on the WBG systematiccountry diagnostic (SCD) for Azerbaijan and aligns itsobjectives with the constraints and priorities identified inthe SCD. Over the past decade, Azerbaijan has maderemarkable progress toward reducing poverty and boostingshared prosperity. In response to the emerging challengesand the mounting depreciation pressures, the governmentdevalued the national currency and committed to fiscalconsolidation. The CPF takes into account the government’sintention to optimize the external borrowing over the mediumterm as part of the ongoing effort to maintain fiscalsustainability. The CPF lending program will help Azerbaijanin meeting its development objectives through engagement inpriority areas where the country’s ownership is strong,where the WBG has a comparative advantage and where thepotential impact on the WBG twin goals is substantial. TheCPF will address the SCD connectivity agenda throughinvestments into the development of the county’s transportand transit corridors as well as improvement of localinfrastructure at the community level. The CPF results aregrouped around two focus areas and eight objectives that aimat improved public sector management and service delivery,and enhanced economic competitiveness.