The Financial Sector’s Cybersecurity:Regulation and Supervision identifies prevalent concepts andpractices and presents them in a way for financial sectorauthorities to consider and apply to their respectivejurisdictions. Starting with the debate of whethercyber-specific regulations are necessary, the Paper goes onto discuss the essential coordination between financialsector authorities and other state agencies in dealing withcyber risk. It then moves on to the topic “taxonomies” as weall need to have a common language when speaking aboutcybersecurity to avoid any misunderstanding. Next sectionsdiscuss the issue of reiterating, or in some casesredefining, the responsibilities of the Board, SeniorManagement, and the Information Security Officer,specifically in Dealing with cybersecurity. Next, aprominent feature in many supervisory/regulatory practicesis the role of incident response and recovery, as well asrequirements of tests and simulations. Lastly, the papercovers the managing of outsourcing risk.