This technical note on access to financeaddresses six questions: 1) what is the access to and use offinancial services in the Philippines, how does it vary, andhow does it compare to other countries? 2) What financialservices are available to different market segments? 3) Howdo different categories of financial institutions contributeto outreach, and what is their potential to expand outreach?4) How does the regulatory environment support access tofinance? 5) What financial infrastructure is available tomake credit decisions? 6) What are the results of governmentpolicies or programs to promote access to financialservices? The note concludes with recommendations to improveaccess to finance. An estimated 30 percent of Filipinos useformal financial services. This is lower than the East Asiaregion average. Access to finance has improved since the2002 Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). Theprovision of financial services to low-income individualshas expanded. The Philippines has received internationalrecognition for its favorable regulatory policies to promotepioneering use of mobile payments technology and itsmicrofinance regulatory framework.