Bhutan’s hydropower generation potentialraises the prospect of tremendous development opportunitiesfor the country: fast increasing export revenue, sustainedeconomic growth, and rapid poverty reduction. Driven bydevelopments in the hydropower sector, the country has grownat an average rate of 7 percent per year over the lastdecade, while poverty has declined remarkably fast. Buthydropower development also creates significant challengesas follows: (i) macroeconomic instability; (ii) lack ofself-reliance; and (iii) few private sector jobs. Thispolicy note assesses the opportunities and challengesassociated with hydropower development. It informs apossible strategy supportive of macroeconomic stability,fiscal self-reliance and private sector development. And itargues that fundamental changes in public finance, amountingto a paradigm shift, are central to the implementation ofsuch strategy.