Pakistan was among the first countriesin the world to institute widespread school closures as aresult of Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). What are the expectedlevels of learning that teachers will have to deal with inthe class? Will children have lost learning while schoolswere closed? What should teachers, parents, and childrenexpect from the first few weeks of schooling? How canparents, teachers, and the school system as a whole helpchildren catch up? While school closures have been effectivein supporting efforts at social distancing, they may wellhave serious consequences for schooling and learning. Thisnote presents results from a series of simulations that aimto capture the impacts that school closures in Pakistan mayhave on the learning levels, enrollment, and future earningsof children and students. In this note, the authors presentan overview of how these numbers are calculated and how tointerpret them. This note draws on a simulation exercise forall countries on which data is available, includingPakistan, conducted by researchers at the World Bank.