Country Partnership Framework for the Republic of Madagascar for the Period of FY17-FY21
World Bank ; International Finance Corporation ; Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency
World Bank, Washington, DC
RP-ID  :  114744
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

This Country Partnership Framework (CPF)sets out the World Bank Group’s (WBG) strategy in Madagascarfor the period of FY17‐FY21. As the country has emerged froma political crisis, the CPF supports the Government’s goalof generating a higher, inclusive and sustainable growthpath to reduce poverty, as presented in its 2015‐2019National Development Plan (NDP). The expanded resources andthe larger range of instruments available under IDA18 enablethe WBG to support the Government in putting the country ona higher development trajectory, by investing at scale in afew areas that could unlock Madagascar’s development.Success in achieving ambitious goals, such as doubling therate of electricity access, will hinge on the authorities’ability to sustain reforms while addressing some of thecauses of the country’s cyclical instability. The programproposed under this CPF seeks to increase the resilience ofthe most vulnerable people and to promote inclusive growth,while strengthening national and local institutions so as toreduce fragility.Risks to achieving those objectivescontinue to be substantial and will require the WBG to adopta flexible approach. First, the nascent rebound in economicgrowth has not yet been felt by a large majority of thepopulation. The depth of poverty is also such that extremeclimate events could quickly reverse the small gainsachieved since 2014 and fuel social tensions. Second,presidential elections are expected to take place in late2018. They could generate a slowdown in the adoption ofreforms and lead to a rise in political tensions. Recentcrises have occurred around elections and thus thepossibility of another crisis cannot be excluded. Finally,it remains to be seen if the Government will be able toaddress the roots of the country’s fragility and change thebargain between the elites and the rest of the population,including by creating a more level playing field for theprivate sector. These risks will require the WBG to monitorclosely the country context and be ready to adapt itsapproach throughout the CPF period.

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