This study examines Public ExpenditureTracking Survey (PETS) and Quantitative Service DeliverySurvey (QSDS) carried out in Africa with the objective ofassessing their approaches, main findings, andcontributions. Section 2 investigates the context,motivations, and objectives of PETS and QSDS that have beencarried out in Sub-Saharan Africa. Section 3 examines theinstitutional arrangements for resource allocation andservice delivery in social sectors. Section 4 presents someof the main findings of tracking surveys. Section 5 analyzesmethodological approaches used in previous tracking surveysin order to identify factors that could explain thedifference in past surveys' success, and identifypotential methodological harmonization. Section 6 presents aseries of good practice principles that arise from pastexperience, and discusses how they could be implemented.Section 7 proposes potential future surveys and endeavors.