After almost a year of political,economic, and security upheaval, Yemen has now embarked on anew political path based on an agreement brokered by theGulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and overseen by the UnitedNations, or UN and the international community. Theagreement was signed on November 23, 2011, after formerPresident Saleh, the ruling party (GPC), and the oppositionparties agreed to a political transition, dialogue, andpolitical reforms. A transitional government of nationalunity was formed and confirmed by the Parliament in earlyDecember 2011. The transition President Hadi was elected onFebruary, 21 2012, for the period spanning to the plannednext general elections in the first half of 2014.In anenvironment of political tensions, the President madeprogress in reforming the security institutional set-up, inreducing the influence of Al-Qaeda forces, and in preparingfor a national dialogue.