This report documents the progress ofLithuania in science, technology and innovation (STI) inareas singled out by three major international reportsprepared by the Norwegian Research Council (1996), the WorldBank (2003) and the CREST-OMC panel (2007). The task was tosummarize recommendations of these studies, report on theprogress achieved to date and point to priorities for thefuture. From a low point in the mid-1990s the Lithuanian STIsystem has gradually strengthened. Funding for R&D hasincreased and Lithuanian research groups have stepped uptheir performance in terms of publication output andrelevance. It is the opinion of the reviewers that markedprogress is evident and visible with respect to the goals ofthe three reports. This development has indeed been verypositive and shows the strong commitment for a continuousimprovement of the basic framework conditions for R&D inLithuania. Nonetheless challenges remain. In order tofurther the development of STI-policies in Lithuania thereport offers new recommendations in four areas: oversightand governance, science base, R&D linkages, andincreasing innovative capacity.