Mexico’s challenges in infrastructurefinance can be framed along similar lines as other AdvancedEconomies (AEs) and large Emerging Market Economies (EMEs).Mexico is particularly well placed to make capital markets areliable financing source complementing bank financing. Itscapital markets are relatively mature, there is sufficientcritical mass of long-term domestic institutional investors,and there is a relevant track record of innovative solutionsfor infrastructure financing from which to build. Section Bof this Technical Note assesses the degree of maturity ofthe Mexican capital markets in those aspects that are mostrelevant for infrastructure financing. Section C discussesthe different elements of the infrastructure financingecosystem taking stock of the PPP framework and financialinnovations that have been developed, with emphasis onimpact, expected developments and potential improvements.Section D, discusses the role of development financialinstitutions in mobilizing private sector financing withemphasis on Banobras and Fonadin. Finally, section Econcludes and provides a set of recommendations