The objective of this Policy Note is toprovide a tool for countries in the Latin America and theCaribbean region to take stock of Early ChildhoodDevelopment (ECD) programs and policies in their territory.By benchmarking against other programs and policies acrossthe region, countries can identify options to strengthenEarly Childhood Development. In The Promise of EarlyChildhood Development for Latin America and the Caribbean,Vegas and Santibanez (2010) put forth key building blocksfor countries to achieve comprehensive ECD policies. Thesebuilding blocks are based on the premise that allcountries' share the goal of ensuring that childrenhave adequate experiences during early childhood, which willenable them to reach their full potential during childhood,youth, and into adulthood. Vegas and Santibanez (2010) alsodocument the state of ECD indicators in the region, whichshow great disparities across countries and within countries.