In Indonesia, religious education inschools is part of the national curriculum and is intendedto promote greater understanding of one’s religion, inaddition to tolerance and mutual respect between adherentsof religion in personal, community and state life. However,key knowledge gaps exist regarding the current state ofdelivery of religious education, limiting efforts to developreforms for improvement. To help in addressing thisknowledge gap and at the request of the Ministry of Religion(MoRA), the World Bank analyzed the current state ofmanagement of teachers (GPAs) and supervisors (PPAs) ofreligion. To undertake this analysis, the team collectedextensive qualitative and quantitative data between August2018 and April 2019. Overall findings from the study revealseveral management‐related issues that likely limiteffective delivery of religious education in Indonesia. Part1 of this note analyzes management issues of GPAs, whilepart 2 focuses on PPAs.