Since the formulation of the PhilippineDevelopment Plan (PDP) of 2010-2016, social protection (SP)has figured more prominently in the country'sdevelopment agenda and in policy dialogs. The PDP for2017-2022 continues the same emphasis on SP (NationalEconomic and Development Authority (NEDA), 2017a). For thefirst time, policies to achieve social protection for allFilipinos have been featured in the PDP, with the view tobuilding resilience of Filipinos, their families andcommunities. Specific strategies include enhancing socialprotection for the informal sector, improving the socialpension system, strengthening mechanisms to ensure enrolmentin the social security system, expanding health insurancepackages, establishing an unemployment insurance system,among others. Further, the PDP also highlights therequirements to address implementation issues onconvergence, planning, mainstreaming of SP at the locallevel, including better M&E, collection and use of data. The