Prospects for faster, more sustainableeconomic growth and higher living standards in FYR Macedoniarely on increasing employment opportunities for all. Bymaintaining the current structure of labor participation,FYR Macedonia is not capitalizing on its educated youngpopulation, as only 39 percent of 15-64-year-old women areactively contributing to the economy through employment.Closing gender gaps in access to economic opportunitiesrequires removing the existing barriers and disincentives toemployment and entrepreneurship for women. Needed stepsinclude: (i) improving access to assets and productiveinputs, (ii) providing access to child- and eldercare, (iii)eliminating disincentives and barriers embedded in labortaxation and regulation, and (iv) increasing theemployability of women through effective active labor marketpolicies and adequate skills and training. Cross-cuttingpolicies around social norms and discrimination, betteraccess to information, and improved monitoring andevaluation systems are also important.