Across the developing world, theCOVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic threatens to cause massivedisruptions in food supply chains. The World Food Programmeestimates that by the end of 2020, twu hundred and sixtyfive million will face acute food insecurity - twice as manyas before the crisis. Women play a key role in keeping thefood system functional. Their livelihoods also depend onthese jobs, which are primarily concentrated in the informalsector, and they have little access tosavings andsocialsafety nets. This note highlights women’s contribution tofood supply chains, focusing on women as informal producersand traders of food. It discusses potential impacts of thepandemic on their vulnerabilities and policy responses. Itconcludes with some early reports on how women along thefood supply chain are rising to the challenge of COVID-19(Coronavirus), and some considerations for investments ininclusive food systems.