Developing an HMIS Architecture Framework to Support a National Health Care eHealth Strategy Reform : A Case Study from Morocco
Le Pape, Marc A. ; Nunez Suarez, Juan Carlos ; Mhayi, Abdelkader ; Haazen, Dominic ; Ozaltin, Emre
Taylor and Francis
关键词: eHealth;    electronic health record;    EHR;    healthcare information systems;    health management;   
DOI  :  10.1080/23288604.2017.1265041
RP-ID  :  112997
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

An increasing number of low- and middle-income countries are receiving significant investments to implement health reform strategies featuring a health management information system (HMIS) as a fundamental eHealth intervention. We present the case of Morocco's first step toward the implementation of a national HMIS: the “urbanization” of its health information systems—an information architecture methodology designed to leverage existing capacity while ensuring sustainability of the new HMIS. We report on this process and share lessons learned, applicable to similar countries involved in HMIS interventions, including involving all stakeholders from inception to rollout, encouraging local ownership of the new HMIS, fostering active data usage among users, and leveraging existing personnel rotation policies when developing adoption strategies and facilitating capacity building efforts.

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