Health System in Nigeria : From Underperformance to Measured Optimism
Adeyi, Olusoji
Taylor and Francis
关键词: health care services;    universal health coverage;    infant mortality;    child mortality;    worm disease;   
DOI  :  10.1080/23288604.2016.1224023
RP-ID  :  111059
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】
The past five decades have seen numerous health policies and development plans in Nigeria,culminating in the National Health Act of 2014.8 The Act provides for a range of responsibilities,instruments, and institutions, covering but not limited to: responsibility for health, eligibility forhealth services, and establishment of a national health system; financing; health establishmentsand technologies; rights and obligations of patients and healthcare personnel; national healthresearch and information system; human resources for health; control of blood, blood products,tissue and gametes in humans; and regulations and miscellaneous provisions. It is, potentially,a very consequential Act. To understand what needs to be different for this Act to succeedwhere prior national policies mostly under-achieved, it is worth examining the context and somekey drivers of Nigeria’s health.
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