The World Bank’s efforts to combat avianinfluenza and help countries to build capacity to preventand mitigate pandemics offers a useful example inunderstanding how the agency can contribute to the provisionof global public goods. This review aims to inform theprovision of these goods by offering lessons from evaluationof the avian influenza experience. The experience alsooffers an example of the Bank playing a key role in theinternational response to an unfolding international crisisin a technical area with which it was largely unfamiliar.And provides a case study on how the Bank struggles to workeffectively across sectors, both within the institutionitself and in the client countries it operates in. Thereport aims to inform the design of any future avianinfluenza and zoonotic disease and pandemic preparednessinterventions, and also to discuss the wider strategiclessons from the intervention that are relevant to programsresponding to emergencies, providing global public goods, orcooperating with external technical agencies. The reportalso aims to assess the current state of the pandemicpreparedness agenda, and to provide guidance on possibleways forward. The report also draws on additional interviewswith Bank staff and international agency staff, on WorldBank project and program documentation and reports, on thewider literature on avian influenza, and on other documents.