This Migration and Development Briefreports global trends in migration and remittance flows, aswell as developments related to the Global Compact onMigration (GCM), and the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)indicators for volume of remittances as percentage of grossdomestic product (GDP) (SDG indicator 17.3.2), reducingremittance costs (SDG indicator 10.c.1) and recruitmentcosts (SDG indicator 10.7.1). This Brief has a special focuson transit migration. Addressing the adverse drivers oftransit migration will involve policy efforts to createeconomic opportunities and reduce conflict and fragility inmigrants’ countries of origin. Opening more legal channelsfor migration to destination countries would also helpreduce transit migration. Collaborative efforts among theorigin country, the transit country, and the finaldestination country to control transit migration, however,should not violate free (intra-regional) movement of peopleunder regional protocols. Respecting the human rights oftransit migrants remain a policy priority. In situationswhere transit migrants stay on for protracted periods, theremay be a need to provide access to education and healthservices, as well as to labor markets. For their part,origin countries need to empower embassies in transitcountries to assist their nationals. Multilateral agenciescan help the global community through the collection of dataand also analytical and technical assistance in addressingthe drivers of transit migration. They can also act ashonest brokers to facilitate collaboration among theconcerned parties. Multilateral development banks can alsoprovide innovative financing solutions to transit countries.