The Results in Education for AllChildren (REACH) Trust Fund at the World Bank funded thedevelopment of a Management & Information System tomonitor the quality of the education system in Colombia.This system builds on existing monitoring tools, which focuson outcome measures such as test scores but do not captureintermediate quality indicators that can shed light on howlearning outcomes are achieved. The overarching purpose ofthis system is to foster improvement in the education systemby informing the decision-making and everyday activities ofeducation practitioners and policymakers. This can beachieved by: (i) gathering detailed and relevant informationabout activities within schools and (ii) managing theinformation efficiently and making it accessible to users toenable them to analyze, understand, and provideevidence-based recommendations on how to improve educationquality. This monitoring system is not intended to be anaccountability mechanism for schools but rather a managementtool for stakeholders to understand the strengths andweaknesses of the education system and take appropriate action.