High-Speed Railways in China : A Look at Traffic
Ollivier, Gerald ; Bullock, Richard ; Ying, Jin ; Zhou, Nanyan
World Bank, Beijing
关键词: high-speed rail;    transport;    traffic;   
RP-ID  :  93227
来源: World Bank Open Knowledge Repository
【 摘 要 】

While new transport needs are emergingand existing transport needs are growing, the network ofChina Railway is one of the most densely used in the world.Between 2000 and 2013, China Railways experienced robustrail traffic growth. The combination of rapidly growingtraffic and of high existing traffic density called formajor new investments in order for railways to continueplaying a substantial role in the Chinese economy.Understanding and addressing passenger needs will becritical to achieve the full impact of the HSR network.HSRremains a major investment that requires high trafficdensity to be justified economically and financially.Itrequires careful attention to the overall door-to-door tripexperience for travelers. This includes dealing with aspectsthat sometimes extend beyond the remit of railways, forexample by improving the access to and from the station,and, in particular, reducing the current waiting time fortaxis at stations or ensuring good frequency for publictransport services. It also includes optimizing trainfrequencies and city pairing based on emerging trip patternsand user surveys, introduction flexible ticket pricesreflecting peak/off-peak periods, and introducing conveniente-ticketing services. By focusing on these aspects, and onthe efficient and effective operation of the HSR network,HSR in China can be expected to continue to experiencesubstantial growth for many years to come.

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