Financing Post-Disaster Recovery and Reconstruction Operations : Developing an Institutional Mechanism to Ensure the Effective Use of Financial Resources
This guidance note provides policymakers with an operational framework to establish aninstitutional mechanism for financing post-disaster recoveryand reconstruction operations. It is based on internationalexperience, in particular that of Mexico due to itspioneering initiatives to develop comprehensive disasterrisk management programs, including the fiscal management ofdisaster risks. The guidance note consists of six key stepsto ensure effective procedures for resource mobilization,allocation, and execution. It serves as an outline for aseries of six short notes, provided separately, which offerfurther detail on each of the six key steps.The sixaccompanying short notes provide guidance to: (i) quantify(implicit and explicit) contingent liabilities associatedwith natural disasters; (ii) formalize the process fordeclaration of disasters and financing contingentliabilities; (iii) clarify post-disaster financialresponsibilities of the central and local governments; (iv)mobilize resources ex-ante through a DRM fund and financialprotection strategy; (v) allocate resources based on damageand loss assessment methodology; and (vi) execute resourcesand coordinate efforts across the post-disaster recovery andreconstruction process.