There is an increasing global focus onsocial protection. For the first time social protection (SP)is part of a comprehensive Sustainable Development Goals(SDG) agenda. As a reflection of this global focus, therehas been an explosion of activity in social safety netsprograms around the world. The number of developingcountries with social safety nets (SSN) doubled in the lasttwo decades from 72 to 149 countries There has also been anincreasing complexity of SSN systems or programs in pursuitof greater results. A growing commitment to SSN is alsoevident in the fact that countries tend to spend more on SSNover time. A growing commitment to SSN is also evident inthe fact that countries tend to spend more on SSN over time.More needs to be done as significant gaps in coverage remainaround the globe. Much effort continues to be put intoexperimenting with new SSN instruments, and learning whatworks, especially with respect to promoting productive inclusion.