Financial institutions around the worldfind themselves continually barraged by external innovationsthey are often unable to absorb and internalize. Theemergence of innovative digital financial technologies haschallenged traditional players in the sector bydemonstrating new ways to deliver value across the entirefinancial value chain. Blockchain, or distributed ledgertechnology, is just such a disruptive, and possiblygame-changing, innovation. Emerging markets are in generalcharacterized by low banking penetration, the exit offinancial players from certain markets, strong demand forfinancial inclusion both from individual consumers and smallbusinesses, high levels of mobile penetration, and lessdeveloped business infrastructure and financial sectorincumbents. These conditions in combination can be apowerful catalyst for the adoption of blockchain-basedfinancial solutions and can provide the basis for atechnological leap forward and a boost to financialinclusion and growth.