The global race to fund, develop, andacquire artificial intelligence (AI) technologies andstart-ups is intensifying, with commercial uses for AIproliferating in advanced and emerging economies alike. AIcan increase gross domestic product (GDP) growth in bothadvanced countries and emerging markets. In energy, AI canoptimize power transmission. In healthcare, diagnosis anddrug discovery will benefit enormously from AI. In educationit can improve learning environments and learning outcomesand can better prepare youth for transition to theworkplace. In manufacturing, AI can help design betterproducts in terms of functionality, quality, and cost, andimprove predictive maintenance. AI can help extend creditand financial services to those who lack them. The potentialimpact of AI on transportation and logistics goes far beyondautomation and road safety to span the entire logisticschain. Yet with the exceptions of China and India, emergingmarkets have received only a modest share of globalinvestment in this advanced technology, despite the factthat they may benefit more from AI implementation thanadvanced economies.