Inclusive and trusted identification(ID) systems are crucial tools for achievingsustainabledevelopment, including the World Bank Group’stwin goals of ending extreme poverty and ofboosting sharedprosperity and greater equity in the developing world.3Indeed, the essential rolethat identification plays indevelopment is explicitly recognized in SustainableDevelopment Goal(SDG) Target 16.9, to “provide legalidentity for all, including birth registration” by2030.Traditionally, proof of identity has been providedthrough physical documents, such as birthcertificates,passports, or ID cards. As the world becomes increasinglydigitized, the nextgeneration of ID systems use newtechnologies to provide digital proof of legal identityforin-person and remote transactions. These digital ID systemscan help achieve multipledevelopment goals, but also createchallenges for digital privacy and data protection. Thisnotedescribes these risks and then presents concrete stepsto mitigate them while harnessing the fullpotential ofdigital ID for development.