The Republic of Maldives, a multi-islandnation of spectacular natural beauty, is one of the mostadvanced economies in South Asia. The Maldives consists ofan archipelago of nearly 1,200 islands and a population ofabout 374,000 inhabitants: 300,000 Maldivians and 74,000expatriate workers. The Maldives had attained a grossnational income (GNI) per capita of US$5,790 in 2010. Thecountry ranked 109'th in the human development index(HDI) for 2011, which is the second highest HDI rank inSouth Asia after Sri Lanka. The Maldives is seeking toaccelerate human development and promote economicprosperity. The development of human capital is central tothe country's strategy to achieve this goal. Thepresent study analyzes the main challenges facing thegeneral education sector and presents, for the considerationof policy makers in the country, a set of strategic optionsfor the future development of general education.