The response to the global reportinginitiative (GRI) indicators provides a brief introduction tothe World Bank’s (WB’s) complex suite of activities. The WBconsists of the International Bank of Reconstruction andDevelopment (IBRD) and the International DevelopmentAssociation (IDA). Materiality is determined through anassessment carried out based on GRI guidance. The assessmentevaluates the risks to the organization, the importance tostakeholders, and the contribution to the organization’smission. The annual GRI update encompasses global WBoperations. WB manages and reports on the buildings thathouse staff that work on IBRD, IDA, Multilateral InvestmentGuarantee Agency (MIGA), and Global Environment Facility(GEF) secretariat. GRI indicators for environment, applyprimarily to performance of Washington, District of Columbia(D.C.) facilities (which house 60 percent of WB staff) withcountry office data noted, when relevant. The responseattempts to be comprehensive, and provide links to furtherinformation in the annual report and throughout the Bankswebsite, where up to date information may be found. The WBreports on a fiscal year basis which extends from June 1through July 31st. This report covers FY 2011 (July 1, 2010- June 30, 2011).