Living Lab rapport CityServiceBike
van Gent, M.J. ; Kreemers, L.M. ; van Brecht, J.
Hogeschool van Amsterdam
关键词: Shared mobility;    Behaviour change;   
来源: HBO Kennisbank
【 摘 要 】

In this note, we present ten recommendations to stimulate the uptake of eHUBs based on psychological concepts. These recommendations are translated into specific actions that cities can undertake to promote the uptake of eHUBs under car owners. In general, according to behaviour change principles1, citizens will start using the eHUBs (1) if they feel they are capable of using them, (2) if the physical and social environment is structured in such a way that they have the opportunity to use the eHUBs and (3) if they are motivated to use the HUB. The recommendations in this short note address either the capabilities, the opportunities or the motivation of citizens to use the HUBs.

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