Effect of Government Actions on Environmental Technology Innovation: Applications to the Integrated Assessment of Carbon Sequestration Technologies. Final Report.
Rubin, E. S. ; Hounshell, D. A. ; Yeh, S. ; Taylor, M.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Technology innovation;    Carbon sequestration;    Environmental technology;    Power plants;    Sulfur dioxide;   
RP-ID  :  DE2005825164
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

This report summarizes the results of this research project, conducted from September 15, 2000 to November 15, 2003. The project involved four principal tasks: (1) extension and refinement of recently developed prediction and assessment methods to characterize technology innovations for sulfur dioxide control technologies; (2) application and further refinement of these methods to NO, controls, representing another class of environmental technology relevant to global change, but with different regulatory attributes; (3) preliminary application of the above methods to carbon capture and sequestration technologies; and (4) incorporation of the new technology change models in the IIASA models, to assess prospects for carbon sequestration technologies in an integrated assessment framework.

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