Work completed under this program advances the goal of demonstrating Western Research Institutes (WRIs) WRITE process for upgrading heavy oil at field Energy Corporation (MEG) located in Calgary, Alberta, Canada supported efforts at WRI to develop the WRITE process as an oil sands, field-upgrading technology through this Task 51 Jointly Sponsored Research project. The project consisted of 6 tasks: (1) optimization of the distillate recovery unit (DRU), (2) demonstration and design of a continuous coker, (3) conceptual design and cost estimate for a commercial facility, (4) design of a WRITE pilot plant, (5) hydrotreating studies, and (6) establish a petroleum analysis laboratory.WRITE is a heavy oil and bitumen upgrading process that produces residuum-free, pipeline ready oil from heavy material with undiluted density and viscosity that exceed prevailing pipeline specifications. WRITE uses two processing stages to achieve low and high temperature conversion of heavy oil or bitumen. The first stage DRU operates at mild thermal cracking conditions, yielding a light overhead product and a heavy residuum or bottoms material. These bottoms flow to the second stage continuous coker that operates at severe pyrolysis conditions, yielding light pyrolyzate and coke. The combined pyrolyzate and mildly cracked overhead streams form WRITEs synthetic crude oil (SCO) production.