Comparative Survival Study (CSS) of PIT-Tagged Spring/Summer Chinook and Summer Steelhead, Annual Report 2009.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
United States Fish and Wildlife Service
关键词: Fish tagging;    Fish population;    Pacific salmon;    Columbia River;    Snake River;   
RP-ID  :  PB2011111686
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】
This report covers the 10th complete brood year return of adults from PIT-tagged fish. These adult returns are from the 1997-2007 juvenile migrations of hatchery Chinook and the 1994-2007 juvenile migrations of wild Chinook. Also included are adult returns from 1997-2006 steelhead juvenile migrations that originate from wild steelhead on the lower Clearwater River and wild and hatchery steelhead from other tagging operations. The primary purpose of this report is to update the time series of smolt-to-adult survival rate data and related parameters with additional years of data. This report completes the 3-salt returns from migration year 2005 for wild and hatchery Chinook and steelhead to Lower Granite Dam. For wild and hatchery Chinook, this report also provides 3-salt returns from migration year 2006 and 2-salt returns from migration year 2007 through a cutoff date of August 4, 2009. For wild and hatchery steelhead, it provides completed 2-salt returns for wild and hatchery steelhead that out migrated in 2006.
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