Taxpayers expect federal laboratories to fulfill their mission with due regard for protection of the public, workers, and the environment. To that end, the National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) strives to achieve the highest standards of environmental performance. Proof of NETL's environmental performance is found in the information contained within this document. This document presents summary data to demonstrate NETL's performance in protecting the environment, describing incidents and responses, confirming compliance with environmental requirements and standards, and highlighting significant programs and efforts. The purpose of the Annual Site Environmental Report (ASER) is to inform the public, U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) officials, and other stakeholders of the environmental conditions and activities at NETL's sites located in Morgantown, West Virginia; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Tulsa, Oklahoma; and Fairbanks, Alaska. The ASER concentrates on the Morgantown and Pittsburgh sites, which encompass research laboratories on roughly 330 acres and which perform activities that could impact the environment. NETL's offices at Tulsa and Fairbanks are administrative offices located inside commercial and university office building space, respectively. During 2003, NETL employees at the Pittsburgh and Morgantown sites worked diligently to adopt and implement the internationally-recognized International Standards Organization (ISO) 14001 standard, 'Environmental Management Systems'. All employees at these two sites received training during 2002 and 2003 on NETL's environmental policy, environmental management system (EMS), and environmental aspects, objectives, and targets. Employees worked to revise or complete NETL's environment, safety, and health (ES&H) directives (orders, operating plans, procedures) so that 95 percent of all the directives issued were uniform for the Pittsburgh and Morgantown sites. In this report you will find summaries of NETL's regulatory compliance activities, monitoring and measurement activities, and significant facility programs and efforts. NETL takes its responsibility to the environment seriously, both inside and outside the fence. Management commitment and employee involvement are essential to the success of NETL's environmental program, and NETL is dedicated to both.