Performance Objectives for Tank Farm Closure Performance Assessments.
Mann, F. M. ; Crumpler, J. D. ; Knepp, A. J.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Tank farms;    Closures;    Radioactive waste management;    Performance assessment;    Storage facilities;   
RP-ID  :  DE2005859138
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

Tank Farm Closure performance assessments are studies of the long-term impacts to public health and safety as well as to the environment. They provide information to decision makers on the impacts of baseline activities and other alternatives actively under consideration. The intent is to provide sufficient information so that decision makers dealing with tank farm closure have an adequate understanding of the long-term consequences of closure decisions. To be meaningful, results from a numeric performance assessment of the consequences of an action must be compared to the standards for such an action. That is, before one disposes of waste or closes a facility with waste, one must show that the disposal or closure action protects the public health and safety and the environment. These standards are called performance objectives. Performance objectives are not the levels that a regulatory agency will enforce in a permit or authorization. Those levels, often called enforcement levels, will be set in the permit or authorization. Rather, performance objectives are those levels against which the results of the numeric simulation will be compared to judge the success of the proposed cleanup or disposal actions. Additional comparison levels may be requested for information purposes, but are not officially part of the decision on the adequacy of the proposed action. To emphasize that the performance objectives discussed in this document are not regulatory performance objectives, but rather are comparison points for performance assessments, the three components of the performance objective will be renamed in this document to assessment standard, point(s) of assessment, and time(s) of assessment. However, whenever quotations are taken from other documents (e.g. regulations) the quotation will not be changed from the more standard terminology.

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