Emergency Response Equipment and Related Training. Airborne Radiological Computer System (Model-II) User's Manual. Revision 3.0.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Radioactive effluents;    Emergency plans;    Air;    Environmental transport;    Radionuclide migration;   
RP-ID  :  DE2007915350
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

The materials included in the Airborne Radiological Computer System, Model-II (ARCS-II) were assembled with several considerations in mind. First, the system was designed to measure and record the airborne gamma radiation levels and the corresponding latitude and longitude coordinates, and to provide a first overview look of the extent and severity of an accidents impact. Second, the portable system had to be light enough and durable enough that it could be mounted in an aircraft, ground vehicle, or watercraft. Third, the system must control the collection and storage of the data, as well as provide a real-time display of the data collection results to the operator. The notebook computer and color graphics printer components of the system would only be used for analyzing and plotting the data. In essence, the provided equipment is composed of an acquisition system and an analysis system. The data can be transferred from the acquisition system to the analysis system at the end of the data collection or at some other agreeable time.

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