A novel handheld time-domain array GPR antipersonnel mine detection system using an offset paraboloidal reflector antenna is described. The reflector collimates rays from an ultra-wideband transmitting feed, directing the microwave impulse forward, in front of the antenna structure. As such, much of the ground reflected wave is directed further forward, away from the operator, the reflector, and the receiving antennas, and thereby reducing the major source of clutter. The wave transmitted into the ground that interacts with the target, generating significant backscatter returning toward the receiving antennas. These receiving antennas are configured in a 2 by 2 array to provide spatial focusing in both the along- and cross-track directions. This system has been built and tested at both Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, and GeoCenters, Inc. In both cases, custom-built wideband antenna elements generate narrow pulse shapes, which allow for resolving small non-metallic targets buried at shallow depths.