The objective of this research is to evaluate the melting behavior of Macrobatch 3 (MB3) for the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF). This study focuses on the manipulation of the frit composition in order to enhance the melting rate of MB3, without sacrificing the quality of the final glass form. Formation of a foam layer prevents incoming feed material from converting into a homogeneous liquid melt efficiently (i.e., lowering melt rate or throughput), thus resulting in slower canister production by DWPF over a given time period. The goal is to find the proper frit composition so the development of this insulating layer is averted. Peeler et al. (2001) outline further incentives of this research. Because of the multiple phenomena occurring at the same time during the melting process, several analytical techniques should be utilized in order to comprehend the mechanisms leading to a low melt rate. This study was performed on a 'small scale' by using 100 mL alumina crucibles to evaluate the batch-to-glass conversion process and melt rate of MB3 with existing and alternative frits. The basic understanding of the reaction pathways and melting behavior at this level will then be applied to such larger scale processes as the melt-rate furnace, slurry-fed mini-melter, and the melter in DWPF. Most of the technical issues behind this understanding are discussed by Peeler et al. (2001).