Precipitation Results for AN-102: A Statistically Designed Approach to Evaluate Filterability and Sr/TRU Decontamination.
Rosencrance, S. W. ; Dewberry, R. A. ; DiPrete, D. P. ; Edwards, T. B. ; Emory, S. J. ; Nash, C. A. ; Smith, S. C.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Americium;    Decontamination;    Plutonium;    Permanganates;    Strontium;   
RP-ID  :  DE2001752195
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】
The work reported in this document is a series of statistically designed tests to examine the relationship between the four responses of interest and five precipitation parameters affiliated with the new precipitation scheme. The four responses are precipitate filterability, strontium decontamination, americium decontamination, and plutonium decontamination. The precipitation parameters were the initial sodium concentration of the waste, the initial hydroxide level of the waste, and the amounts of calcium, strontium, and permanganate introduced. Experiments were also performed to evaluate the impact of other process parameters such as temperature, timing of permanganate addition, and presence of entrained solids on the proposed precipitation scheme. The objective of these experiments was to determine the primary variables that influence filterability, Sr-90 decontamination, and TRU decontamination using actual 241-AN-102 waste.
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