Assessment of Carbon Tetrachloride Groundwater Transport in Support of the Hanford Carbon Tetrachloride Innovative Technology Demonstration Program.
Truex, M. J. ; Murray, C. J. ; Cole, C. R. ; Cameron, R. J. ; Johnson, M. D.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Ground water;    Carbon tetrachloride;    Remediation;    Plume;    Radioactive wastes;   
RP-ID  :  DE2001786796
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

Groundwater modeling was performed in support of the Hanford Carbon Tetrachloride Innovative Treatment Remediation Demonstration (ITRD) Program. The ITRD program is facilitated by Sandia National Laboratory for the Department of Energy Office of Science and Technology. This report was prepared to document the results of the modeling effort and facilitate discussion of characterization and remediation options for the carbon tetrachloride plume among the ITRD participants. As a first step toward implementation of innovative technologies for remediation of the carbon tetrachloride (CT) plume underlying the 200-West Area, this modeling was performed to provide an indication of the potential impact of the CT source on the compliance boundary approximately 5000 m distant. The primary results of the modeling bracket the amount of CT source that will most likely result in compliance/non-compliance at the boundary and the relative influence of the various modeling parameters.

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