Design and Safety Basis Sludge Characterization from Exposure-Adjusted Radioisotopic Source Terms for N Reactor Ruel Stored at K-East and K-West Basins.
This citation note documents both the refined methodology (technical approach and supporting basis) and the results for adjusting the currently available average exposure and consequential radioisotopic source term for K-East and K-West Basin uranium-bearing sludge. This refinement more accurately accounts for local peaking factors known to occur in the fuel elements during irradiation in N Reactor, at the locations that have subsequently been observed to be the primary sources of fuel related sludge in the K Basins. The heavy metal and fission product material originated almost entirely from spent nuclear fuel from the Hanford N Reactor. This calculation note documents the methods used to characterize radionuclides in KE and KW Basins.