Spent nuclear fuel in canisters has been stored under water in the K-reactor fuel storage basins (K Basins) for more than 40 years. Over time, corrosion products from the degrading fuel rods, storage rack rust, concrete from pool walls, and environmental particulates have accumulated as sludge in fuel canisters, on the floors, and in the pits of the K Basins. The spent nuclear fuel and sludge release soluble fission products into the basin water. The potential exists for basin water and/or sludge to leak into the environment because of the age and condition of the basins. This potential hazard provides the impetus for removing spent nuclear fuel and sludge from the basins as soon as possible. The Fuel Transfer System (FTS) is moving the K East (KE) fuel canisters to K West (KW) for packing in multi-canister overpacks (MCOs). The KE sludge has two disposition paths; the sludge in the North Loadout pit (NLOP) will be transferred in large diameter sludge containers (LDCs) to the 325 Building for treatment as contact-handled transuranic (CH-TRU) waste and the remainder of the sludge will he consolidated in a liner(s) in KE for future treatment.