The HC-21C and HA-211 gloveboxes will be used to stabilize plutonium bearing material. This will be accomplished by heating plutonium oxide, plutonium metal or alloy, magnesium hydroxide precipitated plutonium or plutonium/uranium oxide/hydroxide, reactive incinerator ash, oxalate precipitated plutonium or plutonium/uranium, plutonium oxalate conversion product (oxycarbonate from previous processing in RMNRMC lines). Heating to a temperature of 1000 degrees centigrade in an air stream will drive off residual volatile components and convert residual plutonium-bearing materials to PuO(sub 2). This technical basis covers the Operation Specification Document (OSD-Z-184-00006) and explains the limits necessary for criticality prevention, protection of personnel and environmental safety, minimizing equipment damage, and attempting to maximize process efficiency.