Applicability of International and DOE Target Values to ALD Destructive Measurement Applications (U).
Holland, M. K.
Technical Information Center Oak Ridge Tennessee
关键词: Nuclear materials management;    Safeguards;    Targets;    International cooperation;    Accountability;   
RP-ID  :  DE2004806914
来源: National Technical Reports Library
【 摘 要 】

The purpose is to document Analytical Laboratories Department's (ALD's) technical assessment of compliance requirements and applicability of the International Target Values (ITV) and Central Laboratory Analytical Services' (CLAS's) implementation status. This report also discusses the additional DOE guidance/requirements related to target values. International Target values and target value applicability are a function of the nuclear material processing campaign or application for which the accountability measurement method is being applied. Safeguarding significant quantities of nuclear-grade materials requires that accountability measurements be as accurate, precise, and representative as practically possible. In general, the ITV provides a benchmark for determining generic acceptability of the performance of the various accountability measurement methods, since it represents a performance level that is accepted as highly reliable.

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